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Trump Wins!
It's not hyperbole to say that President Donald J. Trump pulled off the biggest political comeback in history when he won the 2024 election over Vice President Kamala Harris. Winning a landslide Electorial College Victory and what looks to be a popular vote victory, he pulled together the most diverse coalition for a Republican in modern history. As radio host Erick-Woods Erickson wrote earlier today,"Black and Hispanic men broke in disproportionate numbers for Trump from The Bronx to Miami". Erickson continued:
Democrats lost racial and ethnic minorities because they treated them as demographic blocks who were more interested in the power dynamics of historical grievances than how to afford groceries and keep boys out of their daughters’ bathrooms.Last night's victory is good news for gun owners. It means that President Trump will likely have a chance to solidify the right of center majority on the U.S. Supreme Court for a generation. He will have the opportunity to appoint lower court positions which are also important to our rights. And, it likely means the end of President Biden's White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, or at least the end of it in its current form.
Last night was a good night for freedom. Now, for those of us in Virginia, we need to prepare for next year's statewide elections where we will elect a new Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attoney General. We saw last year just how radical Virginia's gun ban Democrats are. We will have our work cut out for us.
The Trace Gives Us Reasons to Vote for President Trump
Tom Knighton over at Bearingarms.com points out that "The Trace", Michael Bloomberg's gun control mouth piece unintentionally laid out reasons that we should vote for President Donald Trump to be the nation's 47th President. Knighton shared an X post from the Trace's Jennifer Mascia that summed up the article.
If Trump wins he's expected to:
• fire the ATF director
• appoint a pro-gun AG
• reverse Biden's executive orders on guns including pistol brace + ghost gun rules
• shutter White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention@ByChipBrownlee and I report:https://t.co/dCiSrU6xtA
Hunting with Hounds Update
VSSA received the below alert from the Virginia Hunting Dog Alliance and we are sharing it for our members who hunt deer and other game with hunting dogs.
We need you at DWR on October 24th @ 9AM
Folks,DWR has finally agreed to consider the two hound proposals at their upcoming board meeting on Thursday, October 24th. These were the two proposals that had a 45-day public comment period earlier this summer regarding GPS collars and hound trespass.
From their most recent press release:
“The Board will be considering regulatory proposals 4VAC15-40-310 and 4VAC15-40-320 regarding hunting with hounds, specifically, Board proposals six and seven, which may be viewed at https://dwr.virginia.gov/wp-content/uploads/media/Board-Proposals.pdf.”
These two regulations, particularly the trespass one (#7), are serious impediments to hunting with hounds in Virginia.
The trespass regulation will create a Class 3 misdemeanor for dog trespass. More importantly, it specifically creates a criminal trespass offense for a singular, targeted group of people: deer and bear hound hunters. It does not include all hunters with dogs and does not include all dogs in the general population.
We need hound hunters to show up and speak up
The most important thing you can do is be there. We need hunters to talk about what hunting with hounds means to them. They need to hear why hound hunting in Virginia is important. They need to hear how it is a necessary tool for wildlife management. You are a citizen of this great Commonwealth. We need you to express why you hunt with hounds and why you love hunting with hounds.
Despite the fact the both the GPS proposal and the trespass proposal were overwhelmingly opposed by the public (80%+), we cannot assume that DWR will follow accordingly.
Be courteous. Dress nicely. Wear an orange hat. The manner in which you present yourself is important!
If you cannot make it to the meeting, you can still participate and sign up to speak online. DWR still has not published their meeting agenda or signup links. We will share them with you once they have been published.
Why we need you there
When we have multiple dogs being shot in a season and DWR says nothing.
When we have more dog injury and tracking collar violations against dogs than we do RTR violations and DWR says nothing.
When we commit a fraction of all hunting violations but are continuously being singled out as the main problem.
When DWR is slow to deal with wildlife issues.
When DWR targets select hunting populations.
Those who oppose us were not successful during the General Assembly last year.
Those who oppose us were not successful at the Virginia Supreme Court.
Those who oppose us will be at the upcoming DWR meeting.
The meeting will be at DWR headquarters:
October 24th at 9am
The address is:
7870 Villa Park Dr.
Suite 400
Henrico, VA 23228